The Question/Answer period for this bid has expired.

Questions already answered for this Invitation to Bid will show below.

Q: General Announcement
A: Don't forget to email your response as per the directions in the ITB.

Q: responding to Cat 1
A: Thanks for your interest.

Q: General Announcement
A: Please make sure to submit your bids in a timely fashion, and don't forget to email your response as per the directions in the ITB

Q: How many hard copies of response are required to be submitted?
A: One is sufficient. Please don't forget to supply the digital copy as specific within the instructions of the ITB.

Q: We intend to bid.
A: Thanks for your interest.

Q: What building address will the Internet circuit be installed at?
A: Please quote Internet Access to the Data Center in the Rio Rico High School.

Q: Can we confirm the exact model numbers for the "Smart-UPS" and "APC 2200" descriptions? With various models available in each VA rating (tower, rack, etc.) it is possible that different battery cartridges may be required to refresh these existing units.
A: Note the following: Smart-UPS 450 uses the APC RBC18, Smart-UPS 750 uses the APC RBC123, Smart-UPS 5000 uses the APC RBC55, Smart-UPS 2200 uses the APC RBC43.

Q: Does this proposal need to be tied to a cooperative purchasing contract? I don't see anything specified in the ITB or 470.
A: It is not a requirement, but responses associated with a state contract or cooperative purchasing agreement may be submitted. The district shall use the evaluation criteria listed in the Invitation to Bid in order to grade proposal received and ultimately determine the winner.

Q: Intend to respond
A: Thanks for your interest. Don't take a chance on a delivery being late, submit early. Don't forget to send an electronic copy to the E-mail address after the 2PM deadline and before 5PM on 02/14/2020 local standard time. Please Include the 470 Number (200008867) in the subject line.

Q: Sentinel Technologies intends to respond to this ITB
A: Thanks for your interest. Don't take a chance on a delivery being late, submit early. Don't forget to send an electronic copy to the E-mail address after the 2PM deadline and before 5PM on 02/14/2020 local standard time. Please Include the 470 Number (200008867) in the subject line.

Q: On the proposal package do you need each school on a different quote?
A: Yes, that way each FRN can be submitted by location. A summary of the total cost would be ideal as well.