The Question/Answer period for this bid has expired.

Questions already answered for this Invitation to Bid will show below.

Q: General Announcement
A: To be clear, ADS shall call all parties that signed up for Q/A and/or submitted a response to FCC Form 470 200008863 in an attempt to make sure that all interested parties understand that FCC Form 470 200008863 CATEGORY ONE shall not be awarded. CATEGORY TWO shall be awarded per the the fair and open bidding process. As a courtesy, the interested parties shall be included on the Q/A associated with FCC Form 470 200029610 (CATEGORY ONE only). A general announcement shall be sent when this is completed. Note: Any service provider that submitted a response or offer determined to be SPAM shall not be contacted or added to the Q/A discussion list.

Q: General Announcement
A: This opportunity has been re-posted, please review FCC Form 470 200029610 and the associated Invitation to Bid.

Q: Test Q/A Functionality
A: Response to Test - system working.