Please Join in seeking us affordable and accessible broadband in communities. By joining you will help unify our voice.

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Organization URL:*

Organization Address 1:*

Organization Address 2:

Organization City:*

Organization State:*

Organization Zip Code:*

Organization Country:*

Organization Type:*
Primary Contact Professional Title:*

Primary Contact First Name:*

Primary Contact Last Name:*

Primary Contact Email:*

Primary Contact Work Phone:*

Primary Contact Mobile Phone:

Testimonial (specific examples of the benefits of broadband):

 I give permission to publicly relate my organization’s name with the testimonial

 I agree to receive occasional updates via E-mail on Broadband Advocacy

 *E-mail addresses are not sold or shared with outside parties, note our Privacy Policy.

 *As a leader in my community we are committed to promoting continued deployment of broadband and delivery of content into and within rural areas.

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CaSe SensItiVe
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