The Question/Answer period for this bid has expired.

Questions already answered for this Invitation to Bid will show below.

Q: WOW! would like to consider constructing Fiber to the 530 Ajax Madison heights location. Can you provide site contact information in the event an engineer would need to visit the premise.
A: Currently the applicant is not hosting onsite meetings as they are incredibly hard to document and then keep all vendors equally informed. Thanks for your interest and please submit a bid with the information available. Questions shall be answered to the best of our ability.

Q: WOW! would like to consider building Fiber to 531 Ajax Drive, Madison Heights, MI 48071 in order to deliver Ethernet Dedicated Internet Service. Can you please provide a site contact in the event an engineer needs to visit the site.
A: Currently the applicant is not hosting onsite meetings as they are incredibly hard to document and then keep all vendors equally informed. Thanks for your interest and please submit a bid with the information available. Questions shall be answered to the best of our ability.