The Question/Answer period for this bid has expired.

Questions already answered for this Invitation to Bid will show below.

Q: We recieved the addresses for each location. Thank you. The challenge is, there is no correlation between the addresses and the services on the form 470. In order to qualify, price, and propose, we would need to know which services are needed for each specific location. Can we get an extension for our response. Additional time would allow us to properly put something together. Thanks.
A: Note the Form 470. All information is provided...sample from 470: 3 existing WAN Circuits (30Mbps) with option for MPLS or similar (T1/DS3/Ethernet/Fiber or similar) - under contract, EN-s: 231466, 231467, and 16055239, with Managed Service options and required CPE to provide an Ethernet connection / hand off required CPE to provide an Ethernet connection / hand off. The allowable contract date is 28 days from when the Form 470 was filed. That can not be changed.

Q: I see that on form 470 the box is checked that "No, I have not released and do not intend to release and RFP for these services. Then the document proceeds to list all of the services, but does not list any addresses associated with the services. Are we to bid on these services, and if so, can we get the addresses associated with each of the services? Pricing and availability can depend on physical address.
A: Note: You may need to reference: In addition not all addresses are known, so please provide options as required.

Q: 1) Please provide required response deadline for all P1 services not included in the posted RFP. 2) DTS #2 – All 4 WAN links are at the same address. Once the final location is determined, the build costs for the sites can be determined. How do you want this handled? 3) DTS 3 – 3 Existing 30M WAN sites. Are they off contract this year and open for bids? 4) DTS 4 – 2 Existing 50M WAN sites. Are they off contract this year and open for bids? 5) DTS 5 – 10 new WAN sites. Once the final location is determined, the build costs for the sites can be determined. How do you want this handled?
A: Update: Contract end date is 8/31/2014 for circuits. We are seeking options for all location and to better understand the charges that are associated with services. The applicant shall evaluate all responses and options provided. In some cases the physical locations are unknown, please do your best to outline both MRC and NRC components. An MSA with coterminous circuit end dates is preferred.

Q: I would like to be added to the email question distribution list please
A: Done.