The Question/Answer period for this bid has expired.

Questions already answered for this Invitation to Bid will show below.

Q: Can responses be submitted via e-mail prior to the due date and time which is Friday, March 7, 2014 at 2 PM LST?
A: Yes.

Q: 1. Will the Mille Lacs Consortium accept a proposal under a GWAC (Government Wide Area Contract) along with the pre-negotiated terms and conditions associated with that particular contract? This would offer the best value to the Mille Lacs Consortium.
A: Yes on the contract. I am not 100% sure what you are asking, but I can tell you that the applicant will evaluate all proposals fairly and grade according to the evaluation matrix provided.Yes. Your standard quote is fine.

Q: Are we permitted to include our standard contract for requested services listed on the RFP?
A: Yes.

Q: What is the contingency fee.
A: A contingency fee is a specific dollar allowance for possible unforeseeable elements that may occur within the scope of a project. A reasonable contingency fee is eligible only if it is a regular business practice of the service provider. This fee will be reimbursed only if the work is performed. If additional questions remain, please post them accordingly.

Q: Under “evaluation” on page 5, I’m not sure what “If the Service Provider does not provide Item 21’s the offer shall be rejected” means. Please clarify.
A: Item 21 information may be the sample provided, a quote or a contract. We must have the information required to submit for E-rate reimbursement.