The Question/Answer period for this bid has expired.

Questions already answered for this Invitation to Bid will show below.

Q: Will the District accept a proposal under a GWAC (Government Wide Area Contract) along with the prenegotiated terms and conditions associated with that particular contract?
A: Yes on the contract. I am not 100% sure what you are asking, but I can tell you that the applicant will evaluate all proposals fairly and grade according to the evaluation matrix provided.Yes. Your standard quote is fine.

Q: Will the District accept a proposal under an existing contract, which the District is eligible to purchase under, if it offers better pricing than a stand-alone contract under the terms and conditions of the RFP?
A: Revised response: 3/5/2014: Yes. I am not 100% sure what you are asking, but I can tell you that the applicant will evaluate all proposals fairly and grade according to the evaluation matrix provided.

Q: The Item 21 form on page 12 of the RFP appears to relate only to Priority 2 services. The USAC website states that an offeror’s quotation is an acceptable format for an Item 21. If an offeror is proposing Priority 1 services, would the District accept a quotation in place of the form?
A: Yes. Your quote is fine - the form is provided as an example.