The Question/Answer period for this bid has expired.

Questions already answered for this Invitation to Bid will show below.

Q: I have another question! You are only asking for 1 switch each on the submission. I am assuming you will increase the quantity once the 471 is to be created? If so, i have the proposal ready. Can I drop off any time between now and the deadline?
A: In terms of quantity, the applicant will make decisions based upon the "up to" amount. Yes, you may drop off the completed, sealed bid during normal business hours.

Q: Can you tell where I can find information on SPAR?
A: Within the ITB, last page. Please complete the form, sign and return it with your response.

Q: Can you please put me on the q/a list?
A: Thank-you for your interest and you are on the Q/A distribution list.