The Question/Answer period for this bid has expired.

Questions already answered for this Invitation to Bid will show below.

Q: Signing up for Q/A. We intend to Bid. Thank you.
A: Thanks for your interest.

Q: I’ve looked over the RFP, no specific dell hardware is listed, many of the other partners we have worked with this eRate season have sent us specific hardware for their bid since they have gone onsite, have a working relationship with the customer or know the environment better than what is listed out in the bid. Also, if you would like a quote, please send over your customer number so that we can start working on this.
A: Program rules frown on an exact part lists and configs. In addition, the fair and competitiveness can be called into question if a VAR or manufacturer have a competitive advantage in terms of information. The process must remain fair and open. We will work on providing a customer number, I am not sure there is one. Applicant currently utilizes Dell equipment and seeks offers for standard devices (like or similar) as outlined in the Invitation to bid. Please do your best to provide an offer. Your offer can always be fine tuned if appropriate or necessary. Appreciate your interest.