The Question/Answer period for this bid has expired.

Questions already answered for this Invitation to Bid will show below.

Q: What terms should I focus on 3yr and 5yr ? Speed of 100M to 1G. Do you feel that the 470 and RFP are good to receive Ethernet Transport? Do you still also need to consider Upgrade of Speed for the FIA at 76th st. ?
A: We do not have or want FIA at 76th ST. We only FIA at 84th ST. We only want EPL at 76th ST to 84th ST. This is what we currently have and what it needs to stay this way. Terms should be 1 year up to 3 year we have never accepted 5 year terms. Bids on speeds should range from 100M to 1G. The bid is due today.

Q: Test Q/A Functionality
A: Response to Test - system working.