The Question/Answer period for this bid has expired.

Questions already answered for this Invitation to Bid will show below.

Q: The due date on the RFP states 3/7 while on the ADSADI website the due date states 3/4 can you please clarify which is correct?
A: 3/7 is correct. The website has been updated.

Q: For the leased lit portion speeds requested are 10M-1G. Do you want to see all increments or are there specific speeds you would like to see?
A: 50MB and 100MB would be a good place to start. If 1G is less than 100M that would be good to know...

Q: Please confirm we can use DocuSign on this 3rd Sterling RFP as we have done with the others. Also, let me know if there are any addendums (we can check closer to due date as well), and if we are required to submit an Item 21 with this RFP?
A: DocuSign is fine. Please include the SPAR with your response.

Q: 1. If we are submitting a vendor contract for consideration, are we still required to take exception to terms in the ITB? 2. By submitting with our contract and/or exceptions, please confirm that the submission (and the bidder’s agreement to the ITB terms) would be made under the assumption that the contract/exceptions provided make up the terms and conditions the bidder is agreeing by submitting a response?
A: Your choice. You may propose your terms and conditions.

Q: There is some reference on your 470 to FY22. Are you referring to funding year 2022? This 470 is for 2019 correct?
A: Correct, Fiscal Year 2019-20 verses Funding Year 22 - or the 22nd year of E-rate.