The Question/Answer period for this bid has expired.

Questions already answered for this Invitation to Bid will show below.

Q: Can you add me to the Q/A list? Thank you
A: Done, thanks for your interest.

Q: For Category 2: Are the 40 aps already in place today? And will there need to be any cabling installed? And will the school do the work or will you want the vendor do the work?
A: Options for install may be presented and cabling drops are not required. If additional cabling, connectors or components are needed for a successful installation (in your estimation), please include an option them.

Q: Are you looking for internet service for each location or are you looking to connect the two location to each other?
A: The WAN connection between the schools is a 500MB connection that is under contract and expires on 6/30/2024. We are seeking an Internet connection per the ITB that will replace the existing contract for 300MB of Internet that expires on 6/30/2019.