The Question/Answer period for this bid has expired.

Questions already answered for this Invitation to Bid will show below.

Q: Can you please send a blank template for the Item 21 attachment and/or worksheet which we are required to use to bid on the Private Line? Thank you.
A: You may simply submit a bid or contract. Thanks for your Interest, please send your response as soon as possible.

Q: Good afternoon, Comcast is pleased to announce our intent to bid on the Private Line requirement referenced in 470 application # 170078035. Comcast Ethernet services are scalable in 10 mbps increments to 100 mbps. Can you please confirm 2-3 bandwidth options you would consider? Thank you, Mark Hayes
A: WAN MPLS is currently under contract for 1.5Mbps, options shall be considered, but early termination will be considered must be addressed.