The Question/Answer period for this bid has expired.

Questions already answered for this Invitation to Bid will show below.

Q: The District has indicated that vendors may submit their own contract templates. Accordingly, does the District intend to amend the RFP section entitled “Exceptions to Terms and Conditions” as is required by e-rate rules to allow vendors to submit their own contract templates?
A: By posting the response to allow for vendor contracts the Invitation to Bid was officially modified to accept vendor contracts. It is perfectly acceptable to submit your terms and conditions.

Q: Will the School District amend its RFP to allow a vendor to submit the vendor’s standard contract in lieu of providing exceptions to the terms and conditions provided in this RFP?
A: Yes, you may submit your contracts with your terms and conditions. Thanks for your interest and please submit your response as quickly as possible.

Q: Requesting only to be added to the distribution list for updates. Thank you
A: Thanks for your interest.

Q: item two requests pricing for a five site network, one site currently undr contract and three sites up for renewal. No mention or discriotion of the fifth site. Can you identify it. Is it under contract? if new, what are the performance requirements for the site?
A: It is for potential growth and the requirements are the same. I realize pricing to an unknown location may be difficult, please do your best on MRCs and NRCs. Construction is not being sought, just the service fees and any installation/configuration required to provide service. Note: Current pricing from the existing service provider with respect to WAN connections are all the same price.