The Question/Answer period for this bid has expired.

Questions already answered for this Invitation to Bid will show below.

Q: 1. Are you wanting a WAN connection between each building then 1 internet connection or an internet connection at each building? 2. What is your current configuration and bandwidth? 3. Are you coming out of contract?
A: No WAN. Internet Access via ATM, Ethernet, Fiber, Frame Relay, MPLS, DS-x, T-x, OC-x or any other transport designed todeliver Internet Access (excluding wireless / microwave) to include Bandwidth to the Internet.

Q: There are 13 lines on the current account with a mix of basic phones, smartphones, mbb, and tablets. In addition majority of these are on the 400 minute rate plan. Do you want me to provide an RFP response based on what is on the current account or for 10 smartphones on the 1000 minute plan?
A: Please base your response on the current account. Please make sure that there is an entry for at least 1 smartphone on the 1000 minute plan. Options may also be included.