The Question/Answer period for this bid has expired.

Questions already answered for this Invitation to Bid will show below.

Q: Washington School for Girls – 470 Application # 160032038 – Intent to bid and questions Good day! We are currently reviewing your 470 Application. May be interested in bidding on the Internet (Metro Ethernet) circuits only. A few questions: - What type of circuits and bandwidths do you have at these locations today and how are those working for you? - What are realistic bandwidths you would be willing to consider? Your request states between 5 mbps and 1 gbps. Can you please narrow the requirement options down? - Your request states you are requesting a 1 year term, with (4) automatic 1-year extensions. Are you open to either a 3 or 5 year term agreement, or only 12 months at time? Please confirm at your earliest. Thank you. Respectfully, Mark Hayes Strategic Enterprise Account Executive 703-483-0786
A: Term is flexible. Please provide options of 100MB. Please provide a bids to reset contract start date to 7/1/2016. The applicant is looking to establish a new Form 470 for the service.

Q: The Data Transmission Services and Internet Access line item excluded wireless and microwave. Can you explain why that is? Thank you :)
A: The applicant prefers to receive Internet Access via a traditional wire line transport.