The Question/Answer period for this bid has expired.

Questions already answered for this Invitation to Bid will show below.

Q: n /a
A: We appreciate your interest.

Q: Requesting answer to previous question.
A: Per the RFP: Please include option for pooled minutes with an average of 1000 minutes per line. Minutes per line may be greater or less than 1000, so please provide options (unlimited is OK). Multiple service providers may be selected based on coverage areas.

Q: Answer to previous question
A: Per the RFP: Please include option for pooled minutes with an average of 1000 minutes per line. Minutes per line may be greater or less than 1000, so please provide options (unlimited is OK). Multiple service providers may be selected based on coverage areas.

Q: What is the amount of airtime you require for the 25 lines?
A: Per the RFP: Please include option for pooled minutes with an average of 1000 minutes per line. Minutes per line may be greater or less than 1000, so please provide options (unlimited is OK). Multiple service providers may be selected based on coverage areas.