The Question/Answer period for this bid has expired.

Questions already answered for this Invitation to Bid will show below.

Q: Can you confirm that service address is: 353 Barrone Street NEW ORLEANS, Orleans, LA 70112 Also, is client looking for shared internet service, like cable modem, or fiber DIA with symmetrical speeds and SLA? Thank you.
A: Yes, the address is correct. The applicant is looking to evaluate all options using the criteria listed in the invitation to bid.

Q: Please clarify,"Existing service under contract and winning Bidder must address Early Term Liability."
A: If a current service is under contract and Early Termination Liability exists, it must be waived by the incumbent service provider or absorbed by a potentially new service provider so that a new contract may be considered. If you have a question about a specific service, please let us know and we will work to provide additional information.

Q: We intend to respond
A: We appreciate your interest.