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Q: Washington Jesuit Academy – 470 application # 160032233 – Intent to bid and questions Good day! We are currently reviewing your 470 Application. May be interested in bidding on the Internet circuit only. A few questions: - It appears that WJA currently has a Comcast 100 mbps Ethernet Dedicated Internet circuit, which was executed on 11/19/13 and installed/began 36-month term on 2/7/14. There are still several months remaining on your existing agreement. Are you looking to upgrade existing circuit? - Are you actively receiving Erate funding for the current Comcast Ethernet Dedicated Internet circuit? - Your request states you are requesting a 1 year term, with (4) automatic 1-year extensions. Are you open to either a 3 or 5 year term agreement, or only 12 months at time? Your initial EDI circuit order was for 36 months. Please confirm at your earliest. Thank you. Respectfully, Mark Hayes Strategic Enterprise Account Executive 703-483-0786
A: Term is flexible. Please provide a bids to reset contract start date to 7/1/2016. 100MB is sufficient. The applicant is looking to establish a new Form 470 for the service.

A: please note: