The Question/Answer period for this bid has expired.

Questions already answered for this Invitation to Bid will show below.

Q: Would Zuni Public School district grant a one week extension to the existing due date of 4/8 2pm? Thank you for your consideration.
A: I'm sorry, but we cannot. It appears that if we update the ITB, the 28 day window is reset, and unfortunately there are not 28 days left in the application window. Please submit a proposal to the best of your ability.

Q: Hello, RFP States that if service provider submits a response, that they are bound to all Terms and Conditions within the RFP. CenturyLink is bound by FCC and PRC tariff regulations and can not be bound by the T&Cs within the RFP. Please advise. Thank you
A: Understood. They can be waived so that your contract prevails. Please sign the SPAR and return it with your response - this will demonstrate and memorialize your timely response. In addition, please state, either on the SPAR itself (a hand written note is fine), or on a separate document that you take exception to the Terms and Conditions ("T&C's"), do not accept any of the T&Cs and cannot be bound by them.

Q: Is Zumi Public School District interested in a hosted VoIP provider?
A: Not at this time.