The Question/Answer period for this bid has expired.

Questions already answered for this Invitation to Bid will show below.

Q: As you are aware, Central Peninsula Hospital is already under contract for services that are covered by FY 2018 funding requests under the Telecommunications Program and HCF, for a term ending in 2021. Please confirm you are seeking services under your currently-posted Form 465 (No. 43194960) and Form 461 (No. 100034495) to purchase in addition to the services covered by your current contract. If not, please confirm that you will consider your current contract with the service provider as one responsive option when selecting the successful bidder under Form 465 (No. 43194960) and Form 461 (No. 100034495) and the associated ITB.
A: Options are being sought. Current contracts shall be considered, especially if the service providers request that a current contract be considered. It appears that single year contracts may be given preferential treatment - meaning the FCC via USAC may opt to fully fund the first year of multi-year applications and defer decisions on subsequent years. This could lead to uncertainty and why we prefer a one year agreement with multiple extensions. If the same contract(s) should be considered, please advise or provide options as deemed necessary.

Q: • Regarding bids’ submission deadline, since neither the FCC Forms nor the ITB state a specific date and are also silent on an exact time of day, please clarify on exactly what date and time of day (including time zone) will you reject bids as late?
A: We had to wait for USAC to post before a due date could be set. The FCC Form 461 must be posted on the USAC web site for a minimum of 28 days before the HCP may enter into a service agreement or sign a contract for services. The earliest date that the HCP may enter into a service agreement with the service provider/vendor is called the Allowable Contract Selection Date (ACSD). Based on the information contained in the submitted FCC Form 461, you have elected to post your request for services with USAC for a period of 28 days, making the ACSD for your application 25-May-2019. As a result, the due date is 00:01 EST on 25-May-2019. Please submit your response before midnight, EST on the 24th of May. We encourage you to submit your response sooner.

A: Received.