The Question/Answer period for this bid has expired.

Questions already answered for this Invitation to Bid will show below.

Q: Due to unforeseen circumstances, can Kenaitze grant a 3 week extension to the proposal due date? Thank you.
A: KIT cannot issue a three week extension; however, a two week extension may be given. Please make proposals and options as clear as possible to avoid delays in clarification and selection. Remember, the grading criteria are specified so please make sure all proposals have the appropriate details concerning SLAs, and other selection criteria. The new due date/time is May 25th, 2018 at 11:59EST

Q: Will Kenaitze Indian tribe verify that Dena’ina Wellness Center is one of the following facility types, and is located in a FCC designated rural area? (a)Health care provider. A “health care provider” is any: (1) Post-secondary educational institution offering health care instruction, including a teaching hospital or medical school; (2) Community health center or health center providing health care to migrants; (3) Local health department or agency; (4) Community mental health center; (5) Not-for-profit hospital; (6) Rural health clinic; (7) Skilled nursing facility; or (8) Consortium of health care providers consisting of one or more entities Second, if the above question is affirmed; can Kenaitze Indian Tribe verify their intent to post your own data, interact with stored data, generate new data, or communicate, by providing connectivity over private dedicated networks or the public Internet for the provision of health information technology, with the sites you have requested service to?
A: Yes, Dena'ina Wellness Center is a health care provider located in a rural area and as outlined in § 54.634 - Eligible services, intends to request support for advanced telecommunications or information services.

Q: Do you want an MPLS network connecting the Wellness center and admin center or just internet access to both buildings? Does Kenaitze have a need to connect to ANTHC?
A: Internet connecting both buildings is sufficient, and yes, at minimum KIT needs to connect to ANTHC from the Wellness Center. Please include SLA information for all services offered. If an SLA does not exist for a particular service, please indicate accordingly.

Q: Is Kenaitze assuring bidders all nine sites listed in the ITB are eligible to receive funding support under either the HCF or Telecom program? If so what program does Kenaitze feel those facilities meet the eligibility requirements?
A: KIT is not sure how USAC determines KIT site eligibility/funding and continues to ask. Once/if understood, KIT shall share that information. KIT can not assure bidders all nine sites are eligible to receive funding. KIT is looking for the most cost effective connections to facilitate network communications. Options are welcome.

Q: May I please be added to the Q&A distribution list. Thank you
A: Done.

Q: Can the responses for the 465 and 461 postings be combined or do you want separate responses for each posting?
A: Yes, they may be combined.

Q: What bandwidths are you requesting for the locations other than the Wellness Center and Admin Center? Understanding that onsite presentations are not necessary, are you accepting onsite presentations?
A: Please note the Invitation to Bid and provide options. Please submit your proposals online and the appropriate followup shall be made. At present, KIT is not accepting onsite presentations.